- Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work. 幸福是努力工作带来的成就感。——2022.05.01
- Everyone deserves to be happy. 快乐属于每一个人。——2022.05.02
- People shouldn't brood around their past. 不要沉溺于过往之中。——2022.05.03
- The youth iss the hope of our future. 青年是未来的希望、——2022.05.04
- It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun! 夏天来了,一起开启快乐!——2022.05.05
- People change and things work out. 成功在于变通。——2022.05.06
- Where there's pain, there's life. 有苦有痛,才叫人生。——2022.05.07
- Nothing's more powerful than a mother's love. 没有什么比母爱更强大。——2022.05.08
- You never know what you're capable of untile you try. 如果不敢于尝试,你永远不知道自己有多强大。——2022.05.09
- There's more honor in defeat than there is in unused potential. 潜龙无用,虽败犹荣。——2022.05.10
- Who we were does not dictate who we will be. 过去都已过去,未来由我们自己决定。——2022.05.11
- There is so much beauty in the world. 大千世界,无限美好。——2022.05.12
- We will find hope in the impossible. 无望之中也能发现希望。——2022.05.13
- The beauty of life can spring forth from even the harshest of climates. 艰难之境亦见生活之美。——2022.05.14
- The more you get hit, the harder you fight. 经历的击打越多,你的勇气越盛。——2022.05.15
- Learn from loss and your day will come. 要想成功,就要学会从失去中汲取经验。——2022.05.16
- Heping others makes our own lives better and makes us better people. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。——2022.05.17