js WeakMap All In One
js WeakMap All In One
A WeakMap is a collection of key/value pairs whose keys must be objects, with values of any arbitrary JavaScript type, and which does not create strong references to its keys.
WeakMap 是键/值对的集合,其键必须是对象,具有任意 JavaScript 类型的值,并且不会创建对其键的强引用。
const wm1 = new WeakMap();
const wm2 = new WeakMap();
const wm3 = new WeakMap();
const o1 = {};
const o2 = function() {};
const o3 = window;
wm1.set(o1, 37);
wm1.set(o2, 'azerty');
wm2.set(o1, o2);
// a value can be anything, including an object or a function
wm2.set(o3, undefined);
wm2.set(wm1, wm2);
// keys and values can be any objects. Even WeakMaps!
wm1.get(o2); // "azerty"
wm2.get(o2); // undefined, because there is no key for o2 on wm2
wm2.get(o3); // undefined, because that is the set value
wm1.has(o2); // true
wm2.has(o2); // false
wm2.has(o3); // true (even if the value itself is 'undefined')
wm3.set(o1, 37);
wm3.get(o1); // 37
wm1.has(o1); // true
wm1.has(o1); // false
class ClearableWeakMap {
constructor(init) {
this._wm = new WeakMap(init);
clear() {
this._wm = new WeakMap();
delete(k) {
return this._wm.delete(k);
get(k) {
return this._wm.get(k);
has(k) {
return this._wm.has(k);
set(k, v) {
this._wm.set(k, v);
return this;
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