
1. 堆的概念


Note: 这里的heap跟JVM中的堆并不是一个概念,JVM中的堆涉及的是内存管理方面的知识,而这里所讲最大、最小堆是一种数据结构。

2. 代码实现


import java.util.*;

 * heapPriorityQueue
public class heapPriorityQueue {
    private ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();

    private int parent(int index) {
        return (index - 1) / 2;

    private int left(int index) {
        return index * 2 + 1;

    private int right(int index) {
        return index * 2 + 2;

    private boolean hasLeft(int index) {
        return left(index) < list.size();

    private boolean hasRight(int index) {
        return right(index) < list.size();

    private void swap(int index1, int index2) {
        int temp = list.get(index1);
        list.set(index1, list.get(index2));
        list.set(index2, temp);

     * upheap
    private void upheap(int index) {
        while (index > 0) {
            int p = parent(index);
            if (list.get(index) >= list.get(p))
            swap(index, p);
            index = p;

     * downheap
     * 沿着较小的孩子路径下沉, 因此需要判断左、右孩子哪个元素较小
    private void downheap(int index) {
        while (hasLeft(index)) {
            int leftIndex = left(index);
            int tempIndex = leftIndex;
            if (hasRight(index)) {
                int rightIndex = right(index);
                if (list.get(leftIndex) > list.get(rightIndex)) {
                    tempIndex = rightIndex;
            if (list.get(tempIndex) >= list.get(index))
            swap(index, tempIndex);
            index = tempIndex;


     * check if the list is empty.
    public void CheckEmpty() {
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("List is Empty!");

     * 使用ArrayList的好处就在于不需要判断数组边界了
    public void add(int value) {
        upheap(list.size() - 1);

     * remove the minimum(top) element.
    public int removeMin() {
        CheckEmpty(); // check list size
        int min = list.get(0);
        swap(0, list.size() - 1);  // 1、数组首尾元素对调
        list.remove(list.size() - 1);  // 2、移除末尾元素(minimum)
        downheap(0);  // 3、执行下沉操作
        return min;