


固件库SDK版本:HAL V1.8.3

  • STM32内部Flash读写操作
    • 1、内存映射介绍
    • 2、Flash分布介绍
    • 3、读写flash操作流程
    • 4、代码实现


(1)stm32的flash地址起始于0x0800 0000,结束地址是0x0800 0000加上芯片实际的flash大小,不同的芯片flash大小不同。

(2)RAM起始地址是0x2000 0000,结束地址是0x2000 0000加上芯片的RAM大小。不同的芯片RAM也不同。

Flash中的内容一般用来存储代码和一些定义为const的数据,断电不丢失, RAM可以理解为内存,用来存储代码运行时的数据,变量等等。掉电数据丢失。STM32将外设等都映射为地址的形式,对地址的操作就是对外设的操作。

stm32的外设地址从0x4000 0000开始,可以看到在库文件中,是通过基于0x4000 0000地址的偏移量来操作寄存器以及外设的。

一般情况下,程序文件是从 0x0800 0000 地址写入,这个是STM32开始执行的地方,0x0800 0004是STM32的中断向量表的起始地址。




flash由主存储区、系统存储区、选项字节区域,部分型号还有OTP(one time program)区域组成,地址分布如下图:

  1. 数据操作位数
    最大操作位数会影响擦除和写入的速度,其中 64 位宽度的操作除了配置寄存器位外,还需要在 Vpp 引脚外加一个电压源,且其供电间不得超过一小时,否则 FLASH可能损坏,所以 64 位宽度的操作一般是在量产时对 FLASH 写入应用程序时才使用,大部分应用场合都是用 32 位的宽度。

  2. 擦除扇区
    在写入新的数据前,需要先擦除存储区域, STM32 提供了扇区擦除指令和整个FLASH 擦除(批量擦除)的指令,批量擦除指令仅针对主存储区。
    (1) 检查 FLASH_SR 寄存器中的“忙碌寄存器位 BSY”,以确认当前未执行任何 Flash 操作;
    (2) 在 FLASH_CR 寄存器中,将“激活扇区擦除寄存器位 SER ”置 1,并设置“扇 区编号寄存器位 SNB”,选择要擦除的扇区;
    (3) 将 FLASH_CR 寄存器中的“开始擦除寄存器位 STRT ”置 1,开始擦除;
    (4) 等待 BSY 位被清零时,表示擦除完成。

  3. 写入数据
    (1) 检查 FLASH_SR 中的 BSY 位,以确认当前未执行任何其它的内部 Flash 操作;
    (2) 将 FLASH_CR 寄存器中的 “激活编程寄存器位 PG” 置 1;
    (3) 针对所需存储器地址(主存储器块或 OTP 区域内)执行数据写入操作;
    (4) 等待 BSY 位被清零时,表示写入完成。

  4. 写flash操作流程图








  1. 接口函数介绍
// 解锁操作函数
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Unlock(void);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Lock(void);

// 写操作函数
  * @brief  Program halfword, word or double word at a specified address
  * @note   The function HAL_FLASH_Unlock() should be called before to unlock the FLASH interface
  *         The function HAL_FLASH_Lock() should be called after to lock the FLASH interface
  * @note   If an erase and a program operations are requested simultaneously,    
  *         the erase operation is performed before the program one.
  * @note   FLASH should be previously erased before new programmation (only exception to this 
  *         is when 0x0000 is programmed)
  * @param  TypeProgram:  Indicate the way to program at a specified address.
  *                       This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Type_Program
  * @param  Address:      Specifies the address to be programmed.
  * @param  Data:         Specifies the data to be programmed
  * @retval HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL Status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data);

  * @brief  Program halfword, word or double word at a specified address  with interrupt enabled.
  * @note   The function HAL_FLASH_Unlock() should be called before to unlock the FLASH interface
  *         The function HAL_FLASH_Lock() should be called after to lock the FLASH interface
  * @note   If an erase and a program operations are requested simultaneously,    
  *         the erase operation is performed before the program one.
  * @param  TypeProgram: Indicate the way to program at a specified address.
  *                      This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Type_Program
  * @param  Address:     Specifies the address to be programmed.
  * @param  Data:        Specifies the data to be programmed
  * @retval HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL Status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program_IT(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data);

// 擦除操作函数
  * @brief  Perform a mass erase or erase the specified FLASH memory pages
  * @note   To correctly run this function, the @ref HAL_FLASH_Unlock() function
  *         must be called before.
  *         Call the @ref HAL_FLASH_Lock() to disable the flash memory access 
  *         (recommended to protect the FLASH memory against possible unwanted operation)
  * @param[in]  pEraseInit pointer to an FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef structure that
  *         contains the configuration information for the erasing.
  * @param[out]  PageError pointer to variable  that
  *         contains the configuration information on faulty page in case of error
  *         (0xFFFFFFFF means that all the pages have been correctly erased)
  * @retval HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL Status
HAL_StatusTypeDef  HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *PageError);
HAL_StatusTypeDef  HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit);
  1. 用户接口实现


#ifndef __FLASH_H__
#define __FLASH_H__

#include "main.h"

#define FLASH_BASE_ADDR		0x08000000UL		/* Flash基地址 */
#define SECTOR_SIZE			1024				/* 块大小 */
#define	FLASH_SIZE			(1*64*1024)			/* Flash 容量 */
#define UserFlashAddress    ((uint32_t)(FLASH_BASE_ADDR | 0xFC00)) // 用户读写起始地址(内部flash的主存储块地址从0x080FC000开始)

#endif /* __FLASH_H__ */


#include "flash.h"

void FLASH_WriteHalfWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint16_t *writeData, uint16_t countToWrite)
    uint32_t offsetAddress = startAddress - FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 计算去掉0X08000000后的实际偏移地址
    uint32_t sectorPosition = offsetAddress / SECTOR_SIZE; // 计算扇区地址,对于STM32F103VET6为0~255
    uint32_t sectorStartAddress = sectorPosition * SECTOR_SIZE + FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 对应扇区的首地址
    uint16_t dataIndex;

    if (startAddress < FLASH_BASE_ADDR || ((startAddress + countToWrite * 2) >= (FLASH_BASE_ADDR + SECTOR_SIZE * FLASH_SIZE)))
        return; // 非法地址
    FLASH_Unlock(); // 解锁写保护

    FLASH_ErasePage(sectorStartAddress); // 擦除这个扇区

    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToWrite; dataIndex++)
        HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_HALFWORD, startAddress + dataIndex * 2, writeData[dataIndex]);

    FLASH_Lock(); // 上锁写保护

void FLASH_WriteWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t *writeData, uint16_t countToWrite)
    uint32_t offsetAddress = startAddress - FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 计算去掉0X08000000后的实际偏移地址
    uint32_t sectorPosition = offsetAddress / SECTOR_SIZE; // 计算扇区地址,对于STM32F103VET6为0~255
    uint32_t sectorStartAddress = sectorPosition * SECTOR_SIZE + FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 对应扇区的首地址
    uint16_t dataIndex;

    if (startAddress < FLASH_BASE_ADDR || ((startAddress + countToWrite * 4) >= (FLASH_BASE_ADDR + SECTOR_SIZE * FLASH_SIZE)))
        return; // 非法地址
    FLASH_Unlock(); // 解锁写保护

    FLASH_ErasePage(sectorStartAddress); // 擦除这个扇区

    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToWrite; dataIndex++)
        HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, startAddress + dataIndex * 4, writeData[dataIndex]);

    FLASH_Lock(); // 上锁写保护

void FLASH_WriteDoubleWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint64_t *writeData, uint16_t countToWrite)
    uint32_t offsetAddress = startAddress - FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 计算去掉0X08000000后的实际偏移地址
    uint32_t sectorPosition = offsetAddress / SECTOR_SIZE; // 计算扇区地址,对于STM32F103VET6为0~255
    uint32_t sectorStartAddress = sectorPosition * SECTOR_SIZE + FLASH_BASE_ADDR; // 对应扇区的首地址
    uint16_t dataIndex;

    if (startAddress < FLASH_BASE_ADDR || ((startAddress + countToWrite * 8) >= (FLASH_BASE_ADDR + SECTOR_SIZE * FLASH_SIZE)))
        return; // 非法地址
    FLASH_Unlock(); // 解锁写保护

    FLASH_ErasePage(sectorStartAddress); // 擦除这个扇区

    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToWrite; dataIndex++)
        HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, startAddress + dataIndex * 8, writeData[dataIndex]);

    FLASH_Lock(); // 上锁写保护

// 读取指定地址的半字(16位数据)
uint16_t FLASH_ReadHalfWord(uint32_t address)
    return *(__IO uint16_t*)address;

// 读取指定地址的单字(32位数据)
uint16_t FLASH_ReadWord(uint32_t address)
    return *(__IO uint32_t*)address;

// 读取指定地址的双字(64位数据)
uint16_t FLASH_ReadDoubleWord(uint32_t address)
    return *(__IO uint64_t*)address;

// 从指定地址开始读取多个数据(16位数据)
void FLASH_ReadHalfWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint16_t *readData, uint16_t countToRead)
    uint16_t dataIndex;
    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToRead; dataIndex++)
        readData[dataIndex] = FLASH_ReadHalfWord(startAddress + dataIndex * 2);

// 从指定地址开始读取多个数据(32位数据)
void FLASH_ReadWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t *readData, uint16_t countToRead)
    uint16_t dataIndex;
    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToRead; dataIndex++)
        readData[dataIndex] = FLASH_ReadWord(startAddress + dataIndex * 4);

// 从指定地址开始读取多个数据(64位数据)
void FLASH_ReadDoubleWordData(uint32_t startAddress, uint64_t *readData, uint16_t countToRead)
    uint16_t dataIndex;
    for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < countToRead; dataIndex++)
        readData[dataIndex] = FLASH_ReadDoubleWord(startAddress + dataIndex * 8);


#include "main.h"
#include "flash.h"

void write_to_flash(void)
	uint16_t buff[64];
	uint16_t count_len = sizeof(buff) / sizeof(buff[0]);
	printf("\r\nWriteData successful!\r\n");
	for(uint16_t i = 0; i < count_len; ++i)
		if(i != 0 && i % 16 == 0)
		buff[i] = rand() % 64 + 1;
		printf("0x%02x,", buff[i]);

void read_from_flash(void)
	uint16_t buff[64];
	uint16_t count_len = sizeof(buff) / sizeof(buff[0]);
	FLASH_ReadHalfWordData(UserFlashAddress, buff,count_len);
	printf("\r\nReadData successful!\r\n");
	for(uint16_t i = 0; i < count_len; ++i)
		if(i != 0 && i % 16 == 0)
		printf("0x%02x,", buff[i]);


void main(void)
    // 省略掉了部分初始化代码,只保留调用代码
